Sunday, September 22, 2024


Journalist arrested in Salah al-Din

SALAH AL-DIN /  A journalist working at the Provincicial Council was arrested by a military force after being attacked by a bomb blast south Tikrit, the head of the Journalists Union in Salah al-Din province said today. Hassan Abid Salem told that the journalist, Abdul Kareem Farhan Ali, who works as a photographer in the council, was arrested at his home in Is’haqi area, 85 km south of Tikrit. “The arrest was made without a court warrant, but within a raid being carried out by a military force who were investigating the area following a bomb blast in the near vicinity,” he added. He called for immediate release of the journalist. Tikrit, the center of Salah al-Din province, lies 175 km north of the capital , Baghdad. RM (TS)/SR Number of Reads:116