Thursday, September 26, 2024


We abide by Constitution for Higher Strategic Council – State of Law

BAGHDAD / A State of Law MP today announced his bloc’s willingness to abide to the Higher Strategic Policies Council, as was agreed upon in Arbil, provided it did not contravene the constitution. Kurdish president Masoud Barzani proposed an initiative to solve the current government  crisis in September 2010 and implement governmental partnership. MP Ali al-Shalah told that their commitment will not waver as long as the executive, legislative, and legal authorities are not mixed together. He expressed his personal opinion that the Council is not necessary, because there are more important matters than this subject. The head of al-Iraqiya Bloc Iyad Allawi announced last Thursday his rejection of heading the Council, due to “the absence of national partnership and a presiding unilateral control of power.” RM (TS)/SR Number of Reads:132