Sunday, September 22, 2024


Regional conference for draft human rights paper in Kurdistan

ARBIL / The regional conference for preparing a draft strategic paper for human rights in Kurdistan was held today. The conference was attended by representatives from the  Kurdistan government, UNAMI, Kurdistan’s Parliament, and NGOs. UN affairs responsible at Kurdistan government Dendar Zebari  said in a statement to that resolutions were taken on Iraqi level, as well as Kurdistan. Iraq is committed to submitting its report after three years on the recommendations made, Zebari added. The UNAMI advisor in Arbil, Hoker Jetwan, declared that this plan should be approved by the Regional Government and will be announced within weeks. All parties should present their reports and comments on human rights process and the Kurdish plan in this regard. NGO member at Kurdistan Parliament Bayan Berwari pointed out that there are outrageous violations to human rights in Kurdistan, particularly those connected with the demonstrations and press freedoms. “We are in the process of amending demonstration law in the Region to meet the new reality of human rights”, she added. She concluded that “we need an new press law that coincides with the current situation”. RM (TI)/SR Number of Reads:174