Friday, September 20, 2024


Call for new page of cooperation – brotherhood in Kirkuk – Barzani

KIRKUK / President of Iraq‘s Kurdish region Masoud Barzani said that his visit to Kirkuk is “to extend support to Kirkuk administration and provision necessary services”, calling to open “new page of cooperation to make the province a model for peaceful  and religious co-existence”. In a word before heads of Arab tribal Sheikhs in Kirkuk, he added that the accompanying ministerial delegation is to “extend support to the province”. “As for Kirkuk, we will not accept imposition of external solutions, because the people of Kirkuk will decide their fate within the Iraqi constitution and article 140″, he confirmed. On the US forces withdrawal, he added that “the ministries of defence, foreign affairs and finance want the stay of these forces, but since Baghdad did not, will abide by their opinion”. Concerning the Kurdish flag, Barzani confirmed “this flag is our emblem and honor and the Iraqi people has the right to mount it beside the National flag in any part of the country”. A number of Kurdish ministers accompanied President Barzani, including ministers of electricity and social affairs. RM (TI) 164