Friday, September 20, 2024


US forces withdrew elements to Kuwait

THI QAR / US forces in Thi Qar province announced participating in the withdrawal process by transporting 700 soldiers and 100 military equipment to Kuwait , according to military spokesman. Major Harold Huff told that “we are fully confident with the ability of Iraqi forces to control security and we will continue enhancing our partnership”. He confirmed that the US forces will leave Iraq by the end of this year. The US forces are stationed in Talil base, 18 km south Nassiriya city, which contains about 4000 soldiers and administers operations in Basrah, Muthanna, Misan and Thi Qar provinces. The base extended support to the security forces and local governments through Provincial Reconstruction Teams. Nassiriya, center of Thi Qar, lies 365 km south of the capital, Baghdad . 78