Monday, September 30, 2024


Curfew enhanced demands for Ninewa as a region, Governor

NINEWA / Governor of Ninewa Atheel Nujaifi said that “illogical “stands of the central government enhanced the calls to announce the province an independent region, calling Baghdad to take heed of the demands of the provinces. Nujaifi, in a press conference, attended by, said that the curfew was imposed without the knowledge of the province. Security sources said early today that the curfew was imposed due to information available of terrorist attacks against the religious mosques in Mosul city. Citizens were planning to conduct peaceful demonstrations denouncing the latest arrests and demotion of university teachers and personnel. Security officials said that these arrest campaigns were conducted against ex-Baath party member who are planning to implement sabotage operations. Mosul, center of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of the capital, Baghdad 62