Friday, September 20, 2024


Safer border following agreement with PJAK – Barzani

BAGHDAD / Kurdish region president Masoud Barzani announced today that the borders of the Kurdish region shall be safe according to an agreement reached with anti-Iranian PJAK. In a press conference held in Tehran, he added the agreement that PJAK will stop its operations in the region. He added that Kurdistan does not support the idea of any war in the area, but “we support solving the problems between Turkey and PKK party”. “If they need our assistance, we are ready to play this role”, he confirmed. He described the relations with Iran as “firm and consolidated” and evaluated the Iranian role in supporting the Kurds in their struggle against ex-Saddam Hussein rule. The Kurdish borders are subject to Iranian-Turkish shelling under the pretext of chasing PKK and PJAK member who are stationed in Kurdistan mountainous areas. These attacks led to tens of killings, immigration of citizens and material damages in the region. RM (TI) 64