Friday, September 27, 2024


Conference demands finalizing Basra as a region

BASRA /  A conference on federalism was convened today in Basra, aiming to press the central government to expedite the formalities to declare the province a region. Kareem al-Jabiri, an organizer, said that the people of Basra wanted the federal option in the province, whose people suffer of negligence despite its enormous resources. He added that peaceful demonstrations shall be organized demanding the formation of the region in Basra. State of Law MP Jawad al-Bazouni, a participant, declared that “Basra cannot be developed unless transferred into a region status”. On the other hand, Basra provincial council member blamed the central government the responsibility of delaying the region of Basra project. Tribal Sheikhs withdrew from the conference when a placard was raise that this conference is “the first constituent conference of Basra region”, but despite the removal of this placard, they did not return to the meeting hall. Basra, center of the province, lies 590 km south of the capital, Baghdad 69