Monday, September 30, 2024


500-megawatt power station approved in Thi Qar

 500-megawatt power station approved in Thi Qar


THI QAR /  Thi Qar Provincial Council announced today that the ministry of electricity approved referring a 500 megawatt power station to a local company.  It is expected the work will start this month, after verifying the company’s records and abilities, following withdrawing the project from it after the resignation of ex-electricity minister Raad Shalal.  Earlier, Deputy Premier for Energy Affairs Hussein Shahristani abrogated all contracts with Iraqi companies.  There are two power generation stations in Thi Qar, the first was established in 1978 by a Russian company with production capacity of 800 megawatts, and the second is the gas powered station with 40 megawatt capacity.  Nassiriya city, center of Thi Qar, lies 365 km south of Baghdad.