Friday, September 20, 2024


4000 Iraqi workers dismissed by US army in Nassiriya

THI QAR / More than 4000 workers and interpreters were dismissed from Nassiriya air base, well informed sources said here today. The sources told that KBR company, one of the leading US logistics companies, was hiring more than 4000 workers with salaries ranging $600-1200, decided to discharge them following the American withdrawal. The sources added that LSG company that hired Iraqi and foreign interpreters in southern parts of Iraq dismissed 460 interpreters and kept only 40. The air base is divided between the Iraqi and American forces by the airport runway. If the dismissed workers have the right to ask asylum in USA, the sources said that there are very complicated procedures, and the company refused to cooperate with the workers to have this privilege. Most of the interpreters worked without knowing the details of their contracts, so they were discharged without having the work termination bonus, as most contracts do, the source added. The US forces refused to comment on questions on the timing of the withdrawal or its procedures at the time being. A journalist warned that the US camp may be looted following US withdrawal, as was done with other military camps. Imam Ali air base (Talil) was established in 1976 near the vicinity of historical city of Ur, which is regarded one of the main US bases in Iraq where more than 4000 soldiers lived there. This base is administering US operations in Basra, Muthanna, Misan and Thi Qar provinces. Now, the 70 Iraq squadron is stationed in the base, whose main duties to watch the borders and vital installations, such as oil pipelines and power transport units. Nassiriya , center of Thi Qar province, lies 365 km south of the capital, Baghdad. RM (TI) 324