Friday, September 20, 2024


We support changing the Syrian regime – Kurdish Alliance

ARBIL /  The Kurdish Alliance said that “reforming the Syrian regime is a desperate matter”, pointing out that “the Iraqi government abstention does not represent the opinion of the Alliance”. Alliance spokesman Muayad al-Tayib said to that “the decisions at the Cabinet are taken by majority, and the final decision represents the government official  opinion”, pointing out that the Kurdish Alliance supports the Syrian people and demands the change of the regime. “The Syrian regime is a hopeless case due to its suppressive practices against its people”, he added. The Arab League decided yesterday to suspend Syrian membership, calling member states to withdraw their ambassadors from Damascus, till it implements the Arab plan to solve the Syrian crisis. The resolution was taken by the approval of 18 countries, three objected (Syria, Lebanon and Yemen) with Iraqi abstention. Syrian cities are witnessing massive demonstration against Asad regime since March last, while UN reported that 3500 persons were killed since then.Number of Reads:287