Sunday, September 29, 2024


Iraq’s Provinces Governorates demand its 3 Presidencies to achieve “decentalization”

BAGHDAD / The Chairmen of Iraqi Provinces’ Govenorates have demanded Monday the Three Iraqi Presidencies (President, Prime Minister and Parliament Speaker) to achieve a number of decisions, in order to accomplish the principle of “decentralization,” included in the Iraqi Constitution, according to a statement issued by the Chairmen of the Governorates. “The Chairmen of the Governorates Councils have demanded the Three Presidencies to achieve the principle of ‘decentralization,’ included in the Constitution,” the statement noted, stressing that “the demands concentrate on enabling the governorates to get special allocations to facilitate their missions, accomplish certain projects and grant authorities of appointing the staff of the governorates.” The statement also demanded “the completion of the Constitutional and Legislative framework, related to Article 105 of the Constitution, including the establishment of a general commission to secure the rights of Regions and Provinces, not included in such Regions, as well as Article 606, comprising the establishment of a general commission to observe the allocation of Federal Revenues. It also demanded the promulgation of the Oil & Gas Law, according to Article 112 of the Constitution, in such a way that confirms the distribution of oil and gas revenues in just means, along with Article 13, related to the adminstration of the Archaeological sites, Article 104 – 1, related to the administration of Customs, through coordination with the governments of the Regions and Provinces, as well as Article 114, related to the drawing of a policy for the protection of the environment from pollution. The statement goes further to demand the promulgation of Article 114 – 7 of the Iraqi Constitution, related to the drawintg of an internal policy for water resources and their organization, and Article 23, related to the authorization of the Federal Government’s Authority to the Provincial Governorates, and Article 65 – 1, related to the establishment of a Legislative Council, called “the Fedral Council,” to comprise representatives of Regions and Provincies, not organized in Regions. In conclusion, the statement noted that “the signatories of the statement have been Chairmen of all Iraqi Provincial Govenorates, with the exeption of northern Iraq’s Kurdistan Provinces. SKH (TI)/SR Number of Reads:172