Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kirkuk, Kuwaiti case, constitutional issues are our priorities, UNAMI Chief

BAGHDAD / Head of the UNAMI delegation in Iraq announced today that Kirkuk question, relations with Kuwait, the constitution and elections shall be our main priorities after US forces withdrawal from Iraq. Mr.Marin Kolpler, meeting heads of media organs in the Green Zone, confirmed that there are three priorities, of most are solving the disputed areas question, including Kirkuk, concern on youth and educational aspects and issues related to the constitution and elections. According to the agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington in 2008, the US forces will finally withdraw by the end of this year. There are pending questions with Kuwait which should be resolved before freeing Iraq from UN Chapter VII sanctions. Kopler pointed out the priorities of the UN mission in Iraq, including the youth, environment and water issues. “Youths are of most importance, because 70% of the Iraqi people are under the age of 19, so the education will have the main priority in UNAMI work”, he added. On the other hand, Mr.Kopler confirmed that the UN mission has a main concern on Iranian Ashraf camp, hoping the question be solved peacefully. UNAMI called Iraq to abide by the international law in dealing with anti-Iranian Mujahidi Khalq members who reside in Ashraf camp in Diala province, since it moved its headquarters to Iraq in 1985, with the blessings of the previous regime. RM (TI)Number of Reads:14