Sunday, September 22, 2024


252 immigrated familes back home in Ninewa

BAGHDAD / At least 252 familes, who were forced to desert their home plances in Mosul and move to 6 other other Iraqi provinces have returned home over the past few weeks, according to a statement by Iraq’s Ministry of Immigration and Immigrants on Wednesday. “The number of deserted families from Ninewa Province who have returend to their Provnce has reached 252 families, 30 families from Basra, 70 from Baghad, 9 from Diala, 3 from Kirkuk, 4 from Salahal-Din, 8 from Babel and 1 from Anbar Provinces, along with 127 families who returned to their home places that they had deserted inside the Province of Ninewa itself,” the Ministry’s Ninewa Province Branch Official, Mohammed Abdullah told news agency. He stressed that the “said large number of families who returned to Ninewa had been result of the Ministry’s activiation of its police, encouraging deserted and immigrated families to return to their original home places, granting each family 4 million Iraqi dinars, along with restoring sons of those families back to their schools and collages, along with facilitating the return of employees back to service.” SKH (TS)/SR 68