Saturday, September 21, 2024


Najaf desert has water enough for 25 years – Governor

 Najaf desert has water enough for 25 years – Governor

Water from the Najaf Desert – File photo

Water from the Najaf Desert - File photo

BAGHDAD / Najaf governor announced the availability of great water storage in Najaf desert enough for 25 years, stressing granting licenses to cultivate 70.000 donums in the desert area that will depend on underground waters. Governor Adnan al-Zarfi told that the province made an agricultural plan to depend on underground waters, instead of the Euphrates River. The investment licenses will concentrate on cultivating groceries and wheat during the coming five years, which will achieve self-sufficiency. Najaf province has very vast areas that extend to Saudi Arabia, which encouraged greater numbers of investment companies to have different licenses in industrial, agricultural and housing sectors. Najaf lies 160 km south of the capital, Baghdad.