Sunday, September 29, 2024


Iraqi Tourism – ‘unexploit?ed White Gold Field,’ Iraqi official says

BAGHDAD / Iraq‘s Culture Ministry’s Undersecretary, Jaber al-Jabery, has said on Thursday that “Iraqi Tourism is a White Gold Field and their revenues can surpass the oil, if exploited, calling for the unleashing of a grand and complete project to raise the tourist sector.” “The Iraqi Tourist Project, if allowed to open its arms for the world, millions of people would head for the religious and archaeological tourism in Iraq,revenues of which would exceed Iraq‘s its oil revenues,” Jabery told news agency. Jabery expressed optimism in the future of tourism in Iraq, proposing a condition for launching of a complete project to raise the religious tourism and “necessity to open out the diplomatic and official opportunities for the sisterly and friendly countries, in order to gain trust to head towards Iraq, in sucha way that the related parties present their plans to launch the tourist project for the country.” “Iraq‘s tourist status-quo has not stood on its feet due to circumstances out of its will, including the remains of the dictatorship and the impractical image,as well as the security circumstances and terrorist acts,” Jabery said. Iraq‘s Culture Ministry’s Undersecretary, in conclusion, have confirmed that “Iraq of today is need for a large project, plan and scenario to raise the levelof tourism, to be carried out by experts, specialists and officials, in this respect.” SKH (PT) 59