Friday, September 20, 2024


SALAHAL-DI?N Delegation off for Baghdad to meet President Talabani on activation of “Region” demand

SALAHAL-DIN / Province’s Council, comprising 28 members, had demanded in an earlier date the announcement of the Province as an independent “Region, with a United Iraq,” under objective reasons for the formation of the Region, announced in the name of the Council by its Council Chairman’s Assistant, Sabhan Mulla Chiad. “The reason ahd been due to the Central Government’s irresponsible police against the inhabitants of Salahal-din Province, as well as the measures of margining aimed against them, along with depriving them from the national rights in the political and economic fields, and the Iraqi government’s non-stopping of the property of lands around the Two Askari Imam’s Tumbs in Samarra township,” he said. Not worthy is that Article 140 of the Iraqi Law, related to the areas-in-conflict includes 3 phases, including the naturalization of the conditions in those areas, carrying a housing referendum regarding their fate, whether to joint them with Kurdistan Region or keeping them linked with the Center. Tikrit, the center of Salahal-Din Province, is 175 km to the north of Baghdad. SKH (PT) 114