Saturday, September 21, 2024


White Iraqiya Bloc changes its name into “The White Bloc”

BAGHDAD / The “White Iraqiya Bloc,” led by the outstanding Iraqi Columnist and Parliament Member, Hassan al-Alawi, has decided in its 2nd Constitutional Conference, to change its name into “The White Bloc,” according to a statement it issued on Monday. “The Conferees have agreed last Sunday night take several decisions, including changing its name from ‘The White Iraqiya Bloc,’ into ‘The White Bloc,’ along with “keeping far away from current conflicts, at a time when Iraq is need for wisdom and pacification, along with studying the current regional circumstances in the Middle East Region, especially those related to the relationship with Iraq‘s neighboring states, including Kuwait, Turkey, Syria and Iran,” the statement stressed. “The Conferees have also stood long towards the current IraqKuwait crisis, confirming that the previous Iraqi invasion of Kuwait had left passive psychological impacts, in addition to the material destruction it had caused on both countries, thing that made the mission of our Bloc too difficult and complicated,” it added. They also expressed “firmness to follow up the IraqKuwait crisis with wisdom and confirmatory language that serves the interest of both Arab neighboring peoples, in an attempt to erase the impacts of the past, lots of problems of which are causing suffer for both sisterly countries.” “In light of the above, delegations from the White Bloc shall head to the neighboring states, in order to discuss the suspended dossiers between Iraq and those countries, stemming from fact that the Bloc could work as a mediator, due to its wisdom to treat such dossiers,” the statement stressed. It said that the Conferees “also took other decisions, including the independence of the Bloc and non-entrance in animosities that other blocs were involved in, unless in the event that the National Interest would face threats,” confirming necessity for the heading of confirmatory delegations to the other Blocs, including al-Iraqiya Alliance (led by former Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi) and to enter in a new phase Iraq would need after the American withdrawal from Iraq.” In conclusion, the conference, that continued for 4 hours, renewed trust in the leadership of Hassal al-Alawi, refusing the idea of his withdrawal from the Bloc, reiterating the election of Quteiba Ibraim al-Jiboury, as Chairman of the Bloc’s Parliamentary group and Aliya Nuseif, as the Spokeswoman for the Bloc. SKH (TR)/SR 102