Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi Legislature demands Parliament to open dossier of appointing relatives in State Institutions

BAGHDAD / Member of the Iraqi Parliament’s Integrity Committee, Aliya Nuseif, has demanded the Parliament’s Speaker to open a dossier regarding the appointment of relatives of officials in different State institutions and the Three Leading Presidencies, considering it as one of the measures of political corruption, according to Nuseif on Tuesday. “Stemming from the observatory role of the Parliament, being the highest legislative authority in the country, I see that it’s the duty of the Parliament to open the dossiers of the political corruption, most outstanding of which had been the appointment of relatives of officials in govenment institutions,” Nuseif, Member of the White Bloc, announced. “There had been several cases of appointing relatives in the Three Presidencies and other State institutions, thing that necessitates the formation of an investigation committee to investigate the facts about such appointments and the accounting of all those, who have been involved in such measures, through gathering evidence and documents proving such violations,” Nuseif said. Noteworthy is that the distribution of the majority of administrative positions in the government had been based on political and sectarian partnership, according to the Iraqi components. SKH (TP)/SR 85