Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq’s Parliament resumes session to question Baghdad’s Lord-Mayor

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Parliament has resumed its session on Wednesday to question Baghdad’s Lord-Mayor, Sabir al-Issawi, under charges of corruption, with the presence of 170 out of its 325 members, a Parliament media source reported. “The Parlilament has resumed its session, under chairmanship of its Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify and presence of 170 members,” he said, adding that the “session would continue questioning Baghdad Lord-Mayor, Sabir al-Issawi, on the background of charges of corruption cases, after the first session that was held on Monday,” he said. Noteworthy is that the Parliament building had been target for an attack during the first session of Isssawi’s questioning on Monday, that killed one person and injured 2 others, whilst media and Parliament sources said that the attack was caused by a mortar shell that fell close to the building and injured the Kurdistan Alliance Legislature and its Official Spokesman, Moayad Taib. 411