Friday, September 20, 2024


Falluja celebrates the US withdrawal by burning American – Israel flags

ANBAR / Falluja, the largest city in west Iraq‘s Anbar Province, has held a mass meeting, attended by delegations from different Iraqi provinces on Wednesday, for occasion of the impending withdrawal of the US forces from Iraq, during which they burnt the American and Israeli flags. “Falluja city had witnessed today two celebrations, the first in alHadra al-Mohammadiya Mosque at the city center and the second inside the Scientific & Cultural Gathering, attended by a number of religious clerics and cultural personalities,” Khalid Hmoud, a Falluja Cleric told news agency. The demonstration had witnessed reading of poems and verses, commemorating the victims who fell due to American attacks, whilst some of the demonstrators raised the previous Iraqi flag, with 3 stars and burnt American and Israeli flags, along with raising placards expressing their rejoice for the American withdrawal from Iraq, including “Falluja, the Spark of Resistance and Address of Liberation.” Falluja city, that had witnessed strong resistance against the US Army since Iraq‘s occupation in 2003 and till 2008, when the Sahwas (Lightning) organizations controlled the whole of Anbar Province, is 60 km to the west of Ramadi, the center of Anbar Province, 110 km to the west of Baghdad. The Security Agreement, signed between Baghdad and Washington in Nov.2008, assigns the withdrawal of all US troops from Iraqi territories by December 31, 2011, whilst the US combat troops had withdrawn from Iraqi cities, towns and villages on June 30, 2009. SKH (TP)/SR 839