Saturday, September 21, 2024


US pressures on Maliki – Ahrar bloc MP

BAGHDAD /  An Ahrar bloc MP confirmed that the US pressures against Premier Nouri al-Maliki continued to grant immunity to some of its soldiers and to get economic gains. MP Hakim al-Zamili hoped that this visit will not affect Iraqi stand on Syria question. Zamili told that these pressures coincide with NATO trainers withdrawal, to get more economic and material concessions, including war compensations. Premier Maliki left for Washington last Sunday, heading a high ranking delegation. The visit coincides with the last days of US forces withdrawal from Iraq by the end of this month. “We hope that Maliki will get more privileges for the Iraqi people, and will not affect Syria and other neighboring countries”, he added. Iraqi government criticized the sanctions imposed on Syria by the Arab League. RM (TI)/SR 427