Friday, September 27, 2024


Security forces criticized after oil pipelines explosions in Basra, South Iraq

BASRA / ;The explosions that took place against a number of oil pipelines, carrying Iraqi crude oil west of southern Iraq’s Basra Province,stretching from Rumeila Oil Fields to Burjisiya area on Tuesday, have faced a series of criticism to the Iraqi security bodies, whilst a Basra official saidthe explosions were linked to foreign and local interests, because they took place with the close departure of the US forces from the country. “The said explosions are linked to foreign and local problems, especially because they took place with the final departure of the US forces from Iraq,scheduled to take place by the end of the current month, especially that the most important thing for the foreign reasons is the competition Iraqwould occupy in the world economy after the increase of its oil production and exports, along with the fact that the terrorist forces have changed theirstrategy from attacks against persons to attacks on the oil interest and the infrastructure,” the Chairman of Basra Province’s Council, Sabah al-Bazzounitold news agency on Thursday. “It is true that the oil pipelines stretch for large areas in the Province, including remote areas close to townships and villages, not far from housing compounds,but this does not exclude the responsibility of the security bodies, despite fact that the protection forces of the oil installations are not enough forthe whole area,” he said. Bazzouni said that the solution lies in “laying down a strong security plan and the activation of the intelligence work, whilst certain international companieshave promised to lay observation and control appliances, in order to set up a system that controls those oil pipelines and installations.” “There are a lot of charges against the security companies that would fall under investigation, especially that those involved in previous explosions have been arrested and we believe that they might have some relationship with the Tuesday explosions,” he stressed, whilst the Chairman of Basra‘s SecurityCommittee, Ali Al-Maliki, had charged that the said explosions have taken place due to the weakness of the security bodies, also accusing al-Qaedaand Baath Party organizations with having been involved the with those explosion. “The area, where the explosion took place at 09:00 pm local time last Tuesday night in the oil pipelines coming from Rumeila is a strongly protectedarea and movement is completely prevented for everybody, but those working in the oil sector; that is why it is clear that those who carried out theexplosion must have been among workers in the oil sector and did not come from outsiders of foreign security protection companies,” Maliki said. SKH (ST). 173