Friday, September 20, 2024


iya suspends its attendance of Parliament sessions

BAGHDAD / Al-Iraqiya Bloc, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, has  decided  to suspend attendance of its Legislatures in the Parliament’s sessions, demanding Iraq’s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to “change his course in steering the State’s dossier.” “Al-Iraqiya has announced in a meeting, held on Friday night at the residence of its Leader, Tareq al-Hashimy, with the absence of its Chairman, Iyad Allawi, to suspend its attendance of the Parliament’s sessions and to move to the desk of dialogue immediately, in order to settle the current suspended crisis,” its Spokesman, Haider al-Mulla told news agency on Saturday. He said that his Bloc had also demanded to consider northeast Iraq’s Diyala Province as a “a Province, suffering from a disaster, due to the movement of militias against it, with the knowledge of the Central Government in Baghdad.” Diala’s Council had announced on December 12, 2011 its demand to announce Diala as an administrative and financial dependent “Region,” according to the laws of Region’s Number 13 of 2008, confirmed in the Iraqi Constitution. The Province is witnessing a major security and political tension after its announcement as a “Region,” due to the rejection of several Council members to transfer it into a Region, considering the decision as “illegal,” and saying that the announcement would cause its division and cutting out some of its areas to be linked to other provinces, along with demonstrations, protesting against the decision. “Al-Iraqiya Bloc had warned since the formation of the current government against policies of marginalization and discharges, along with detentions and the politicization of the judiciary, considering it as a coup against the Constitution and a violence of the laws,” Mulla said. “It had also warned against the single-party rule and non-existence of a real partnership in the ruling power, along with the danger of non-settlement of the security cabinet posts,as well as several other problems,” he added. Mulla said that al-Iraqiya Bloc had demanded Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki “change his course in steering the State and the security dossier, along with the achievement of partnership and the security cabinet posts.In addition, he should put an end to the detentions and to stop violating the Constitution and laws, along with putting an end to the individuality of power and taking a dictatorial course.” Noteworthy is that the relations between al-Iraqiya Bloc and the State of Law Alliance, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, had witnessed sharp differences about the security cabinet posts, the Council of Strategic Policies, proposed by al-Iraqiya, as well as the implementation of agreements, concluded among different political parties. SKH (TF)/SR 855