Friday, September 20, 2024


Talks with Syrian Presidents are “positive” – official

BAGHDAD / The head of the  Iraqi delegation to Syria described the talks with Syrian President as “positive” for the Iraqi initiative. In a news broadcasted by semi-official Iraqiya TV, Falih al-Fayadh  added that “we clarified the Iraqi initiative to find a peaceful solution that will preserve the ambitions of the Syrian people in change and democracy away from foreign intervention and sectarian conflicts”. The Iraqi delegation arrived in Damascus today to hold talks to solve the Syrian crisis. Media reports said that the initiative proposed by Premier Nouri al-Maliki has five steps, starting with the Arab League freezing the sanctions, withdrawing security presence (security solution), re-opening internal dialogue, a Syrian-Arab dialogue under Iraqi auspices, to be finalized by internal Syrian dialogue with Arab auspices. On the other hand, the Iraqi delegation moved to Cairo to discuss Iraqi initiative. Iraq abstained on Arab League sanctions, at a time Iraqi Premier called upon Syrian opposition to visit Baghdad to find proper solution to this crisis. RM (TI)/SR 714