Friday, September 27, 2024


iya Bloc calls for official stands for its demands

Al-Iraq BAGHDAD / Al-Iraqiya Bloc, headed by Iyad Alawi, called parliamentary blocs to study its demands and open a overall dialogue among political entities to stop constitutional and law violations, implement the partnership agreement signed in Arbil and to adopt an official stand. In a statement distributed by the bloc, received by, it warned against the disappearance of partnership concepts and necessity to minimize the gap among the politicians. The statement pin-pointed a number of issues such as the implementation of the constitution, law abidance, national balance dossier at government establishment, completion of partnership agreements signed in Arbil and the adoption of a number of issues to turn the government from centralism to decentralization, as well as giving the provinces their rights. It warned against unilateral approach in administering the security dossier, politicization of law, random arrests, non-abidance with human rights issues, military appearances out the law limits and tightening regulations against the provinces. Al-Iraqiya bloc decided yesterday to suspend its parliamentary participation during the coming days, calling Premier Nouri al-Maliki to change his style in administering the state. Relations between Alawi and Maliki are witnessing tensions for differences on security posts and the implementation of Arbil agreements.