Tuesday, September 24, 2024


South Oil Police Director should be replaced – al-Saad

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: A member of the Iraqi Parliament’s Oil & Energy Committee, Suzan al-Saad, has said on Sunday that the poor administration of the Director of Oil Police in Southern Iraq was the reason for the continuous attacks against oil pipelines there, demanding his substitution, especially after the withdrawal of the American troops from the country. “There is a need for the government to be keen to follow up on the activity of the said Police Directorate, and to assign the mission of its administration to competent persons, intent on the protection of the people’s fortune,” Saad said in a news conference, attended by IraqiNews.com news agency. “The continued attacks against the oil-pumping pipelines by subversive elements fall on the burden of responsible elements in the Ministry of Oil and the Directorate-General of the Oil Police,” she added. “A request should be raised to the Committee of Security and Defense and the Oil & Energy Committee, to open an investigation into the said violations, including the substitution of the Director of Southern Oil Police and holding those accountable who are behind such violations, including officers and other elements, along with the further activation of the Security Directorate of Oil Installations,” she demanded. Last week, three explosive charges blew up targeting the pipeline that carries crude oil from southern Iraq’s Rumeila Oil fields and Zubeir Oil Reserves Facilities.