Friday, September 27, 2024


Hashimi thanks Talabani – Barzani for their st – s

ARBIL / Iraqi Vice-President Tariq al-Hashimi thanked today the stands adopted by President Jalal Talabani and Kurdish Region President Masoud Barzani. In a press conference here praised that Iraq has some personalities that work with justice and aim for the stability and flourishment for Iraq . He rejected the idea of internationalizing the case, but will support the Iraqi law provided he gets the lowest limit of justice. Barzani regarded the attitude against Hashimi at Baghdad International Airport as “unacceptable”, pointing that the case “is moving for further tensions”, thus “suggesting an urgent national conference to save the political process, other wise the country will plunge in undesired ends”. Iraqi Interior Ministry announced yesterday the issuance of arrest warrant and broadcasted the confessions of Hashimi’s bodyguards that he ordered them to implement terrorist acts in 2009. 710