Friday, September 20, 2024


Talabani, Baha’ discuss present political crisis

BAGHDAD / Iraqi President Jalal Talabani discussed with Kurdish Islamic Federation Secretary General Salahuddin Baha’ the current crisis among the Iraqi political parties and the necessity to resort to pacification. In a presidential statement issued today, Talabani elaborated his efforts and continued contacts in order not to enlarge and escalate the differences. Talabani said he received positive replies from the political blocs. On his side, Baha’ asked Talabani “to continue this national and constitutional role”, pointing the readiness to work under his auspices. Iraq witnesses a political and security tensions, due to some provinces demands to change their status from provinces to regions, including Salahuddin, Diala and Anbar in protest for central government negligence. It is expected that more provinces will demand establishing regions in their competence. Additional conflict rose after issuing an arrest warrant against vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi, issued by the Interior Ministry, and broadcasting confessions charging him of terrorist acts, as well as the suspension of Iraqiya bloc activities in the parliament and the cabinet in protest against premier Nouri al-Maliki “unilateral stands in administering the state”. 186