Friday, September 27, 2024


Hashimy: “I don’t intend to leave Iraq, – Maliki’s course shall force us to look for other

ARBIL / Iraq‘s Vice-President, Tareq al-Hashimy, has criticized on Thursday what he described as “Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki’s “refusal to “live jointly” with other political partners, vowing that “such line would force them to look for other choices,” whilst he denied reports about his intention to move to another country or demand its support.”What Maliki has done had left people in a confusion: Shall Iraq be built on joint coexistence, and is the other party accepted or rejected?,” Hashimytold news agency, in a special interview in Arbil, where he moved to after a court decision to arrest him, under charges of terrorism. He said what had taken place recently had been a “message to the Iraqi people that Maliki does not want any opposition and does not believe in democracy.”  Hashimy, now a “guest” by Kurdistan President, Masoud Barzani, said that “Malliki’s continuation on the said course, that made people convinced that he does not want to live under coexistence and rejects the other, shall force others to look for other choices,” which he did not explain, denying that he intends to move to another state or demand its support, along with denying possibility of a “civil war” in Iraq.SKH (PT)794