Friday, September 27, 2024


No one can force Kirkuk to join Kurdistan , Barzani

ARBIL / Iraqi Kurdish region president Masoud Barzani stated today that no one has the right to force Kirkuk to join or not to the Kurdish region, pointing that they will resort to referendum to be made by the Kurds, if the case is not solved through the Iraqi constitution. Barzani stated that there is a big shortcoming from Baghdad in dealing with this problem, pointing that “the lapse of time will not heal the question, so it is better for all in Iraq to solve it”. On Iraqi vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi, he stressed that “the question should be dealt with wisdom, otherwise there will be a gap among the Iraqi Shiite and Sunni sects, which ultimately affect the relations with the Kurds and Iraq in general”. He added that “the case has two dimensions, the first is legal and the second is political, which should not be mixed”. Barzani disclosed that he and president Jalal Talabani are trying to find “a political solution” to the problem. Iraqi is undergoing big political crisis for the recent information charging Hashimi of terrorist actions, in addition to withdraw confidence from deputy premier Saleh al-Mutlaq, who are both leading members in the Iraqiya bloc. 717