Tuesday, September 24, 2024


POLITICS: Iranian Foreign Ministry expresses trust in Iraq’s political forces after US withdrawal

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: The Iranian Foreign Ministry has expressed trust Sunday that the withdrawal of the American Forces from Iraq had achieved an outstanding political and security success in the country, according to a statement issued by the Ministry and carried by the Iranian semi-official Mehr New Agency. “Iraq had faced over the past few years of the foreign existence in the country, huge political and security challenges, through its dependence on the popular will and real vigilance by the political and religious leaders, towards the sensitive regional and international circumstances, through which it had managed to surpass a crisis to create a civil and sectarian war,” the statement stressed. It added that “the Iranian Islamic Republic, presenting congratulations for this great achievement for the friendly Iraq and its sisterly government and people, who had paid an expensive price over the past few years, whether by spirits or property, to defend their sovereignty, independence and unity of their territory, expresses its readiness, once again, to continue its constructive role and its support for the political process and the reconstruction of Iraq.” “Iran is confident that all the political and religious components of that country (Iraq) enjoys full readiness to enter in a new phase, accepting their responsibility to achieve stability and security in Iraq, through its adherence to its unity and unity of its word,” the statement stressed. The statement expressed trust that “the Iranian Islamic Republic is confident that the new Iraq, with all its broad material and moral potentials and capabilities, shall be able to continue its political development, stability and security, with large steps, and to play an active role in the regional and international developments, along with accelerating the march towards the rehabilitation of its economy and offer services for citizens in the new phase, through its dependence on its national will and firmness.” SKH (ST)1424