Sunday, September 22, 2024


Najaf’s Oil Refinery’s Director reports 30% production increase in 2011

NAJAF / The Director of southern Iraq’s Najaf Oil Refinery said on Tuesday that his refinery had achieved a 30 percent increase in its production capacity in 2011, compared to 2010, stressing that the said productivity had raised the Province’s Petrodollar revenues to 17 billions (b) and 200 million Iraqi dinars. “The refinery had achieved 7 million and 174,000 barrels of refined oil last year, that increased Najaf Province’s Petrodollar revenues that reached 17 billions and 200 million Iraqi dinars,” Engineer Laith al-Gharrawi told news agency, adding that the refinery had achieved a production increase that reached 30 percent in 2010, including 111 million liters of kerosene in 2011, compared with 85 millions and 600,000 liters in 2010, i.e.a 30 percent increase. “Whilst the refinery’s gas-oil had reached 196 million and 128,000 liters in 2011, compared with 153 million and 634,000 liters in 2010, achieving a 28 percent increase, the black oil production had increased from 292 million and 160,000 liters in 2010 to 320 million and 467,000 liters in 2011, increase of 35 percent,” Fharrawi said. Najaf, the center of the Province carrying the same name, is 160 km to the south of Baghdad. 447