Friday, September 27, 2024


Talabani, Alawi confirm abidance by previous agreements

BAGHDAD / President Jalal  Talabani stressed the importance of abiding by the signed agreements, particularly the Arbil accords, and prepare to move to another stage of reconstruction, while al-Iraqiya Bloc leader Iyad Alawi confirmed that the long strived political process has reached to a state of danger on the future of the country, which necessitates dissolving the crisis and return to previous agreements. In a presidential statement, received by, Talabani and Alawi discussed yesterday night in Sulaimaniya the latest developments in Iraq and its negative effects on the political process in the country. The statement added that all parties were in agreement that the situation should be pacified and to collect all political leaders to draw a road map that will enhance joint national work and strengthen national partnership in a democratic way. Talabani stressed the abidance by Arbil agreements and move to another stage of country’s build up and reconstruction. President Talabani is trying to hold a national conference by mid of this month, to be attended by all political forces to discuss successive crises and find suitable solutions to guarantee the security of the country and its democratic process. On his side, Alawi praised the national and constitutional stand of Talabani towards the present crisis, and his attempts “to limit it as much as possible”. Alawi stressed the importance of convening the national conference through a democratic and candid dialogue to solve all pending questions. Iraq is moving into a severe political crisis after accusing vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi with terrorism and issuing an arrest warrant against him, in addition to Premier Nouri al-Maliki’s decision to demote his deputy Saleh al-Mutlaq, who are both leading members in the Iraqiya bloc. Added to all that previous differences on security posts, internal differences between Iraqiya and State of Law blocs for Erbil agreements.