Saturday, September 28, 2024


Call not to politicize police forces – Premier Maliki

BAGHDAD / Premier Nouri al-Maliki called the Iraqi police forces not to politicize their system, stressing not to provide whatever protection to any responsible who violates the law. During the central parade of the Interior Ministry on the 90th Anniversary of Police Forces, he confirmed that “the political project should be national, not for others”. “The same is applicable to the security national project”, he confirmed. Maliki rejected all forms and colors of sectarianism, warning “it is the most dangerous thing that the policeman is changed into a politician who belongs to a political entity”. He reminded them of the oath that the police forces should not intervene in politics. Iraqi Interior Ministry made a parade today on the 90th Anniversary of Police formation, which is the first since US forces withdrawal at the end of 2011 and handing over all security dossiers to the Iraqi side. The Iraqi police was established on 9 January, 1922 under British commanders, till 1944-1953 when regulations related to this forces were issued to arrange new Iraqi formations, but it was dissolved by US civil administrator Paul Bremer in 2003, then to be re-formed again during the past few years. 170