Sunday, September 22, 2024


VP Hashimy’s case “small issue” in light of crisis – iya

ARBIL / The case of the arrest warrant, issued against Iraq‘s Vice-President Tariq al-Hashimy is a “small issue,” of a major political cause witnessed by Iraq, the Spokeswoman for al-Iraqiya Bloc, Maysoun Damalougy said in a statement today. “Iraq is passing through a major political crisis and the case of Tariq al-Hashimy is just a small issue within this crisis; the most important and biggest part of this crisis is the fact that despite the lapse of one within the current government, the cabinet had not been completed,” Damalougy said in a statement in Arbil on Sunday evening, as received by “No progress has been achieved in both the service and economic levels in the country,” she added. “We hope that the problem will not be made out to look like Tariq al-Hashimy’s case is the only problem facing Iraq, and we hope that Tariq al-Hashimy will be tried by an independent Judiciary and his case would be settled with his release, with God’s will,” she said. “The continuation of the conditions in Iraq on their current situation shall lead to one-man rule in Iraq and the return of dictatorship, which many fear, not just al-Iraqiya Bloc,” Damalougy reiterated. Commenting on the meetings of al-Iraqiya leaders with President Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, Damalougy said, “the meetings with Barzani took place after the meetings with President Talabani, at a time when we have confirmed in all our meetings with our allies in the other political parties about the need to overcome the crisis first, in order to achieve political atmospheres for dialogue and national partnership, on the way to lay a road-map to build a genuine democracy in the country.” 803