Friday, September 27, 2024


Maliki’s dictatorship prevents holding the national conference, Iraqiya spokesman

 Maliki’s dictatorship prevents holding the national conference, Iraqiya spokesman

Haidar Al-Mulla – Al-Iraqiya Spokesman

Haidar Al-Mulla - Al-Iraqiya Spokesman

BAGHDAD / Al-Iraqiya’s spokesman Haidar al-Mulla said today that “the attempt of Premier Nouri al-Maliki to establish a new dictatorship and the power of the one-party government will hinder convening the national conference”. Mulla excluded to that the conference will be held in time while Maliki remains in his post as prime minister. He added that “Maliki will put hindrances before the conference, because it threatens his efforts to establish one-person and one-party dictatorship”. Mulla confirmed that “discussion of national partnership and the security dossier, supervised by him, will threaten the method used by Maliki and his party”. Iraq is moving into a severe political crisis after accusing vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi with terrorism and issuing an arrest warrant against him, in addition to Premier Nouri al-Maliki’s decision to demote his deputy Saleh al-Mutlaq, who are both leading members in the Iraqiya bloc. Added to all that previous differences on security posts, internal differences between Iraqiya and State of Law blocs for Erbil agreements and charges that Premier Maliki is governing the country unilaterally.