Sunday, September 29, 2024


Confidence withdrawal from any MP disseminating sectarianism – MP

BAGHDAD / White Bloc MP Aziz Shareef al-Mayahi said that his bloc will call for withdrawing confidence from any MP who makes statements that will enrage the situation in the country and leads to sectarianism. In a statement by his office, copy received by, he criticized “MPs who make statements for personal, party, or group gains”. He added that “most of the MPs who make such statements are living abroad with their families, so the are not affected by the happenings inside the country”. Mayahi praised the Iraqi people which is not affected by such statements. Iraq is having a political crisis following Iraqiya bloc withdrawal from the parliament and cabinet session in protest for the accusations made against vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi and the arrest warrant issued against him. In addition to the present crisis, others are roaming on the surface connected with security ministerial posts, which were not resolved for the last year between Iraqiya and State of Law blocs, in addition to differences with the Kurds on the oil and gas law and article 140 of the constitution.900