Sunday, September 22, 2024


SECURITY: Shiite Sadrist Trend says US Forces out “thanks to armed resistance, not politics”

NAJAF / The Shiite Trend has said in the holy city of Najaf on Thursday that “the armed resistance, and not the political efforts, have forced the American troops out of Iraq.” “We won’t believe anybody who says that the political efforts and the political negotiator had forced the American occupying forces out of the Iraqi territories, ignoring the role of the armed resistance that achieved the withdrawal and the victory, as the Iraqi negotiator had depended in his negotiations on a strong support, which was the resistance,” the Sadrist Trends Leader, Dia al-Shawki, said in a speech on the occasion of commemorating the Sadrist Martyrs in Najaf. “The party that forced America to leave Iraq and caused her defeat had been the strikes by the sons of  (Shiite Imams) Ali, al-Hussein and the Sarists,” he said. Najaf is 160 km to the south of Baghdad.