Wednesday, September 25, 2024


First step to boycott Iranian commodities in Mosul started

 First step to boycott Iranian commodities in Mosul started

Iranian Commodities Boycotted by Iraq

Iranian Commodities Boycotted by Iraq

NINEWA / The Iraqi Justice and Reform Movement in Ninewa has launched its campaign to boycott Iranian commodities, in response to Iranian statements which were regarded as intervention in Iraqi internal affairs. Spokesman Abdulla al-Jbouri told that “the boycott is the first step; there is more to come in Mosul“. Placards were raised to boycott the Iranian commodities and goods. A number of analysts pointed out that Iran wants to increase its influence in Baghdad, particularly following US forces withdrawal at the end of last year. Mosul, the center of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of the capital, Baghdad.