Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq’s preparations to host Arab Summit assessed – Bin Hilli

BAGHDAD / The Arab League‘s Assistant Secretary-General, Ahmed Bin-Hilli, has highly assessed the current circumstances in Iraq and its preparations for the holding of the Arab Summit in Baghdad. “My visit to Iraq has taken place to discuss Baghdad‘s security and logistical preparations for the holding of the Arab Summit, as I have visited during my stay in Baghdad the positions and conference halls, where the Summit would be held, along with the place for hosting the guests who shall participate in the 3 day conference,” Bin Hilli told a news conference held at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, attended by news agency. Bin-Hilli said that March 27 shall witness the meeting of the Arab Ministers of Economy and the 28th the meeting of the Arab Foreign Ministers, whilst March 29 shall witness the meeting of the Arab Leaders. Meanwhile, he said he would meet Iraq‘s President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, the Chairmen of the  Parliament’s blocs, during the forthcoming few days, in order to discuss the issues related to the holding of the Arab Summit in Baghdad, adding that “Iraq would go ahead with its preparations to restore its Arab position, after the withdrawal of the US forces from Iraq at the end of last year.” Noteworthy is that the Arab League decided on May 5th, 2011 to postpone the holding of the Arab Summit from March, 2011 to March, 2012, in Baghdad, according to an Iraqi demand, which was supported by all the member states in the Arab League. SKH (TI)/SR 1373