Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq heading towards unknown, Grand Ayatollah Systani’s Rep. says

KARBALA / The Representative of the Grand Shiite, Ayatollah Ali al-Systani, has said on Friday that Iraq was heading towards the unknown, charging politicians with listening to foreign opinions and calling on them to depend on the internal solution.”Is there a settlement for the current crisis in the country and where are things are heading and is there a solution to get Iraq out the UN Charter 7, imposing economic sanctions against Iraq, which remains suffering from minor sovereignty?,” Ahmed al-Safi said in the Friday speech in the Husseini Mosque in the Shiite holy city of Karbala.Safi said that “there are people, who allow foreign interferences to govern Iraq‘s trends,” adding that “the current crisis in the country is heading towards the unknown, because there are foreign papers that overrun the internal papers, as it is not logical that we head towards foreign circles, allow them and ask them their special opinion for a solution, whilst we don’t possess a solution for our own problems.””The solution must be Iraqi and the decision must be in the hands of Iraqi politicians, and the Iraqi politician must havea national feeling that won’t lean under a foreign solution,” he said.Safi said that “the Iraqi Federal Budget for the year 2012 has reached 100 billion (b) US dollars, the largest budget in the history of the country; but there is a problem related to the absence of an economic policy for the country, with the exception of the size of the Budget,” stressing that “the problem does not lie in the size of the Budget’s figure, but “in the way to treat the problems, because what we need is a clear viewpoint towards the Budge, and not the piling of money.””We have a crisis in the medicine’s security, because Iraq is facing large cases and there are diseases that need medicines with high specifications, such as cancer, heart diseases, that are new diseases noticed by everybody, and he country needs to secure medicine to help the people, and prevent bad merchants to trade with medicine,to pile up profits, through keeping medicine limited and impose high prices on them,” he added. Safi called on the Iraqi Health Ministry to “make public the number of deaths, caused by absence of medicine,” saying that “the solution lies in opening the space for investment and increasing medicine plants, and preventing corruption to undermine the medical policy, especially with the existence of high amounts of money.”Safi also expressed hope that “next summer would be better than the previous summer, as regards to the existence of electric power,” saying that “the dream of citizens lies in the achievement of such dream, being a popular wish that efforts would double to find a solution for it in the current winter.”