Saturday, September 21, 2024


Strange demand to export oil through Kuwait – MP

BAGHDAD / A Parliamentary Oil and Energy Commission member expressed astonishment that Commission’s Chairman Adnan al-Janabi demanded that Iraqi oil be exported through a Kuwaiti transporting system. MP Suzan al-Saad, in a statement received by, said that this demand is “illogical”, because oil exports will stop if Hormuz Straits were closed. Saad, MP from Basra, added “we called before one year to diversify Iraqi exports vents, but no heed was taken due to the damage of the strategic pipeline in both Gulf wars”. She pointed out that “the high costs of each oil barrel due to the long distances of the pipelines are less dangerous than stopping the exports completely”. The US and European Union and other countries decided to impose sanctions against Iran to force it abandon their “nuclear” ambitions. The West believes that Iran is planning to have the nuclear bomb, while the Iranian insisted that their work is for peaceful purposes. On the other side, Iran threatened to respond for the new sanctions by closing Hormuz Straits, where most of the Gulf oil experts pass through.