Sunday, September 22, 2024


Call to implement phase II of ministerial trimming White Bloc

BAGHDAD / White Bloc MP called on the Cabinet to implement the second phase of trimming the ministries, which was approved more than six months ago. MP Aziz Shareef al-Mayahi said in a statement from his Bloc, received by, that “the present stage necessitates implementing the second phase of trimming the ministries, minimizing special posts and beurcracy”. He demanded to unite ministries of similar functions, like ministry of sciences which is near to the ministry of higher education, and ministries of agriculture and irrigation which have identical functions. Premier Nouri al-Maliki proclaimed on 28 February 2011, following the demonstrations in Baghdad and provinces against corruption, that there will be ministerial trimming for better functions. This move led to cancelling state ministries as the first step of trimming. RM (TS)/SR 277