Friday, September 27, 2024


Extra-ordinary session to name Kurdish Parliament Speaker – Premier

ARBIL / The Chairman of Change Movement in the Kurdish Parliament announced today that an extraordinary session will be held during the coming days to name the Parliament Speaker, the Premier and their deputies. Kordo Omar told that no date has yet been announced, but the Kurdish Premier to be approved should form his government within a month’s time. According to the strategic agreement between the two leading parties in Kurdistan, the Democratic and National Union parties, will exchange the Parliament Speaker and Premiership posts each two years. The Democratic Party has officially nominated Nijirvan Barzani to head the new government, to replace Barham Saleh. Barzani started his consultations with the Kurdish political parties before the formation of the coming government, where he met a number of the opposing Change movement leaders and the Islamic party, the communist party and laborers’ party. The National Union Party had officially nominated Imad Ahmed for the post of deputy premier, while it is expected that Arselan Bayez will chair the Kurdish Parliament to replace Kamal Karkuki. It is expected that the Kurdish opposition parties will not participate in the new government despite Barzani’s endeavors to form a wide government. The opposition confirmed its non participation in the new government and the necessity to implement a wide reform program in the coming government to guarantee political stability and economic flourishment. RM (TI)/SR 2473