Monday, September 23, 2024


Mutlaq’s visit to Turkey is personal, MP

BAGHDAD / An al-Iraqiya Bloc MP described the visit of deputy premier Saleh al-Mutlaq’s visit to Turkey as personal, not governmental, pointing out that Mutlaq “should solve his problems internally without any external intervention”. MP Ali-Al-Shalah told that Multaq’s visit to Turkey is personal, because “there is a move within the parliament to demote him from his post”. “Whatever is discussed in Turkey shall be within the context of his bloc’s relations with Turkey,” he added, while at the same time rejected any foreign intervention in Iraqi internal affairs. Mutlaq’s discussion in Turkey was held with Turkish Premier Recep Tayyib Erdogan on Iraqi-Turkish relations, as will issues related to politics, security and water. Iraq is witnessing an acute crisis following accusations made against Vice-President Tariq al-Hashimi of “terrorism” and the move to demote al-Mutlaq from his post, both of whom are leading members in opponent al-Iraqiya Bloc. In an attempt to solve the crisis, President Jalal Talabani suggested holding a national conference for all political blocs to find a solution.