Friday, September 27, 2024


Kurdish opposition will not vote for new government

ARBIL / Islamic Group MP at Kurdistan Parliament announced today that the opposition parties in the Kurdish Parliament will not vote for the new government, calling the “exchange of posts illegal”. MP Ahmed Sulaiman told that “the opposing parties (Change Movement, Islamic Federation and Islamic Group) have agreed not to participate, or vote or grant its trust to the new Kurdish government. “According to the law, the government and parliament should be changed every four years, not two,” he added. The strategic agreement between the main two Kurdish parties in 2006 was that the presidencies of the legislative and executive powers should be exchanged in each two years between them. Change Movement member Shahoo Saeed refused to comment to, but the exact opinion shall be revealed before or during the session. It was decided that next Wednesday and Thursday will witness the voting for the Parliament Speaker, the minister and their deputies, according to a parliamentary statement. Candidate of the Kurdistan Union Federation Arselan Bayez will hold the post of Parliament Speaker, to replace Kamal Karkuki, while the Kurdish Democratic Party did not announce its candidate for deputy speaker post. The Democratic Kurdistan Party nominated Njirvan Barzani to head the government, to replace Dr.Barham Saleh. Imad Ahmed of the National Kurdistan Party was nominated to deputy premier post to replace Azad Berwari, in the Democratic Party. RM (TR)/SR 926