Friday, September 27, 2024


Hassan Soor nominated to Kurdistan deputy premier post

 Hassan Soor nominated to Kurdistan deputy premier post

Kurdish Democratic Party of Iraq logo.

Kurdish Democratic Party of Iraq logo.

ARBIL / The Kurdish Democratic Party announced nomination of Hassan Soor for the post of deputy premier, according to Kurdistan TV. Ibraheem Jaffar, in a TV interview, disclosed the nomination, thus excluding the nomination of Kamal Karkuki for this post. It is expected that the Kurdish Parliament will hold two meeting today and tomorrow to approve the nominations, according to an earlier statement by Kurdish Parliament. Candidate of the Kurdistan Union Federation Arselan Bayez will hold the post of Parliament Speaker, to replace Kamal Karkuki, while the Kurdish Democratic Party did not announce its candidate for deputy speaker post. The Democratic Kurdistan Party nominated Njirvan Barzani to head the government, to replace Dr Barham Saleh. Imad Ahmed of the National Kurdistan Party was nominated to deputy premier post to replace Azad Berwari, in the Democratic Party.