Monday, September 23, 2024


Gunmen kill chieftain, injure relative south of Falluja

ANBAR / A chieftain was killed and one of his family’s members wounded on Monday in an armed attack in the south of Falluja, a police source said. “An armed group attacked this morning the house of Sheikh Kettab al-Eissawi, a prominent Anbar chieftain, in al-Bu Daaej region of central al-Aamiriya district, south of Falluja, killing the sheikh and wounding one of his family’s members, ” the source told news agency. “The injured relative was carried to a nearby hospital for treatment,” the source added. “Security forces waged a large scale security operation to track down the attackers, who fled to an unknown location,” the source noted. Ramadi, the capital of Anbar, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. SH (TP)/SR 854