Saturday, September 21, 2024


More than 1,000 media men to attend Arab summit – spokesperson

BAGHDAD / More than 1,000 media men will attend the coming Arab summit in Baghdad late March, the official spokesperson of the Iraqi government said on Monday. During a coordination meeting with a number of Iraqi newspapers’ editors in chiefs regarding the media coverage of the summit, Ali al-Dabbagh, said “between 1,000 to 1,500 Iraqi, Arab and International media men will attend the Arab summit late March”> “There are three media centers to cover the meeting and al-Iraqiya satellite channel will air the meetings,” al-Dabbagh, who will chair the summit’s media committee, said. A delegation from the Arab League, led by Ambassador Samir Seif al-Yazal, had returned last Thursday from Baghdad after inspecting the Iraqi preparations to host the summit. In January, AL‘s deputy secretary-general Ahmed bin Helli paid a visit to Iraq, during which he held a press conference with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari on the country’s preparations to host the summit. SH (TS)/SR 1171